5 Tips to Feel Lighter When it’s Dark Out!

As the days get darker, shorter and colder, we can often feel the shift mentally, emotionally and physically. Our outlook may change, our emotional state may feel heavier and our bodies could feel tight, stiff or lacking energy. Here are our top tips for improving mental, emotional and physical states during this time of
Are You Experiencing Seasonal Affective Disorder OR a Seasonal Attunement Response?

At this time of year, much is discussed about changes in mood and energy and it is generally attributed to Seasonal Affective Disorder. Given the medicalization and pathologization of our emotional states, which does not sit well with those who take a more holistic approach to wellness and healing, is this the proper way to
Managing Blue Monday
Blue Monday is not just an awesome ’80’s tune by New Order, it has gained a reputation as being the most depressing day of the year. Has this impacted you in any way? It is thought that today elicits a significant amount of sadness for some, as it is a time when post-holiday bills arrive,